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Written interpretation in Austria in the media and in academia

In Austria, written interpretation is a new way of applying translation skills. Sprachdschungel is actively involved in researching this subject, and in presenting it to the media as a professional option. In March 2016 Dr Judith Platter, presented an academic analysis of written interpretation in Austria to the University of Vienna. It is the first thesis to be written on this subject.

In February 2017, the Vienna Chamber of Commerce added this insert: Schriftdolmetschen in Österreich. WIENER WIRTSCHAFT, Nr. 7 17. 2. 2017, E1/2

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Austrian Contact Details

Skodagasse 23/20
1080 Vienna
Phone and Fax: +43 (0)1-4020210
Mobile: +43 (0)699-12508851

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Skype: sprachdschungel

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