This page offers information about new projects and relevant issues which we think will interest you, too.

We like to help

We take great pride in being able to make a contribution to social causes. Please find below a list of projects that we support, through funding or volunteer action. They demonstrate our commitment to making the world a fairer place, one where people are more socially and environmentally aware.

We help orphan children in Cambodia access education by funding a young man through university. Further information is available here:
Bringing laughter to kids in hospital; we are fit and want to do something for others. Further details are available here:
Raising funds for community projects: we like running, and helping others at the same time! More about this here:
Supporting more sustainable, local and regional agriculture and food production. Further information available here:

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Austrian Contact Details

Skodagasse 23/20
1080 Vienna
Phone and Fax: +43 (0)1-4020210
Mobile: +43 (0)699-12508851

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: sprachdschungel

Sprachdschungel is your global partner, offering quality language services, tailored to your needs.